Dream Analysis
Interpretation Bundle
Who It’s For: This bundle is designed for those interested in understanding the deeper meanings of their dreams by exploring their unconscious mind. These sessions may help gain insights and enhance self-awareness. This service provides a structured approach to uncovering the messages and guidance within your dreams.
Cost: $550/4 sessions
After completing sessions 1-4, you may choose optional weekly or bi-weekly 30-min check-ins with Dr. Ghoul at $50 each.
About this Bundle
Our Dream Analysis Bundle is designed for those who seek to explore the deeper meanings of their dreams.
What to Expect: The initial session is a 60-minute consultation where we will introduce the principles of dream analysis and discuss your interest and goals. The next three sessions, each 60 minutes, will delve into your dreams, uncovering symbols, archetypes, and personal meanings. You will not be given interpretations of dreams – rather, you will be in the drivers’ seat and be guided towards exploring meaning within yourself. We will explore how these insights relate to your waking life and assist you in integrating them for personal growth and self-awareness.
Session Breakdown:
Session 1: Introduction and Initial Dream Exploration (60 minutes)
- Psychoeducation on dream analysis principles
- Discussion of your interest and goals
- Initial exploration of recent dreams
- Overview of dream journaling techniques
Session 2: Identifying Symbols and Archetypes (60 minutes)
- Techniques for identifying symbols and archetypes in dreams
- Understanding the role of personal and collective unconscious
- Detailed analysis of selected dreams
- Discussing recurring themes and symbols
Session 3: Deepening the Analysis (60 minutes)
- Exploring deeper meanings and messages within dreams
- Linking dream insights to waking life experiences
- In-depth interpretation of additional dreams
- Identifying personal growth areas
Session 4: Integration and Future Exploration (60 minutes)
- Integrating dream insights into daily life
- Developing a long-term approach to dream work
- Creating a personal action plan for ongoing dream exploration
- Summarizing key insights and learnings
Key Points: This service is intended for self-discovery and is not a substitute for traditional psychotherapy. Optional follow-up sessions are available to continue your exploration and deepen your understanding of your unconscious mind.
the deeper meanings of their dreams by exploring their unconscious mind. These sessions may help gain insights and enhance self-awareness. This service provides a structured approach to uncovering the messages and guidance within your dreams.